Mindfulness and Millenials
More than previous generations we (Millenials) are looking for happiness and go a long way to get it. We spend a lot of time in our personal development, watching YouTube videos by Simon Senic, making long travels, starting a family, walking the Santiago de Compostella and / or going full force for our careers. This happiness is mostly looked for outside ourselves: in materials, relationships with others, work etc. No problem with that but the real and lasting ‘happiness’ will not be found there. But then where should we search? In this blog on Mindfulness and Millenials I invite you to find happiness within.
The role of modern technology in the life of a millenial
First of all modern technology has brought us a lot of beuatiful things – music, medical progress, communication tools and much more. But it has it downsides. Last week I red that a quarter of our waking time we look at our mobile screen. A quarter! This doesn’t include laptop, television and other screens. Moreover 1 million Dutch people have or are dealing with complains of burn-out. Modern technology seems to plays a important role in it. Below an inspiring video by Prince EA about this.
Do you, as a millenial, take the space to do nothing for a moment?
The millenials – born between 1981 and 2001 – make above average use of modern technology and social media. The space to do nothing, to stare out of the window, maybe even get bored or to feel bad is hardly there. We forgot how important those moments are, it is a kind of reset for your system. Just like sleeping. Meditation is a form that perhaps best simulates this, but more about that later.
Also the tendency to strive for perfection, to keep control and the critical attitude towards ourselves and surroundings, is a problem for us. We are constantly trying to find a solution, even if it is not there. As a result, we continue to worry and ruminate a lot and stress stays much longer then needed. Which hence leads to the increasing number of burn-out.
5 tips for a happier life
We often do not dare to really look inside, are too busy and / or too restless to make time for what is happening with us. Maybe even scared what we would find. Only this is the wrong way around. It is so liberating to let go of all things outside yourself, allow everything to be as it is and to make your own core stronger. Here already 5 tips to make a start with that.
Dealing with stress
Although a book or a Youtube video can inspire us, often it is not enough to make a real change. Mindfulness became so popular for a good reason. It is a powerful way to deal with the increased speed of life, increasing stress, burn-out and anxiety. Moreover it tries to make the integration in our daily lives as easy as possible. Most mindfulness training courses (also mine) are also deliberately spread over 8 weeks.
As it is quite a challenge to be more mindful in the moment, accepting things, letting go, creating more peace in your head and letting the body relax. We are so strongly conditioned that this remains a real challenge even after those 8 weeks. But if you succeed, even for a little a bit, it can be so enriching.
The importance of meditating 10 minutes a day
The founder of the popular headspace meditation app, Andy Puddicombe, has an interesting TED-talk about the importance of meditation. 10 minutes a day already makes a huge difference. Did you already found a way for yourself? If so, what is your approach? If you are still searching for your way in meditation and mindfulness land, then you could check out my website Beyond Mindfulness for inspiration. You can download a free workbook there, follow an introduction workshop or if you do not know exactly what you need you can request a personal and free introduction meeting.