Beyond Mindfulness | Mindfulness Tips (Page 17)

Mindfulness Tips

Beyond Mindfulness facilitated you in your own search for happiness and inner peace. The blogs, videos, literature and other inspirations are here to motivate and inspire you and to provide you with tools, tips and ideas to make mindfulness-meditation your own.

Come back Home (Poem on non-duality)

For me, poetry is a great way to describe what is rationally often difficult to put into words. This is a poem on non-duality, written from the heart about finding your home in and as yourself. I hope you like it and / or it…

Gedicht: thuiskomen bij jezelf

Dichten is voor mij een mooie manier om te beschrijven wat rationeel vaak lastig te verwoorden is. Persoonlijk (Eng) gedicht over thuiskomen bij jezelf, elke keer weer. Welke uitdaging ook op je pad komt. Just be home, Whenever you can, Feel that you are this…

Non-duality: down the rabbit hole!

This is a blog about awareness, non-duality, identity and Eastern philosophy. In other words, we will go down the rabbit hole. Be warned! A normal meditation suddenly and unintentionally changed into a self-inquiry. All of a sudden, I thought who is sitting in that chair?…

Positive thinking: become the Yes Man

The movie ‘Yes Man’ from Jim Carry really did something to me. Clearly, he is a man of multiple talents. In general I like the movie the ‘Yes Man’ is it just funny but it also shows our fundamental choice to say yes to life….

Gewaarzijn betekenis, wat is het eigenlijk?

Dit is een blog over de betekenis van gewaarzijn, identiteit, verlichting en oosterse filosofie, kortom we gaan down-the-rabbit-hole. Je bent gewaarschuwd! Let’s go down the rabit hole! Een normale meditatie veranderde ongemerkt in een zelf-onderzoek (inquiry). Ineens dacht ik wie zit er nou eigenlijk in…

Live and let life: The illusion of control

I love people who can live and let live. Let’s be honest, in Holland we’re not really good at it. Even nature we made subordinate. Almost a century before Dubai created its palm islands, we had already risen an entire province out of the sea. This…