Beyond Mindfulness | MINDFULNESS TIPS  | Gedicht: I lose all control | controle loslaten
Gedicht: controle loslaten

Gedicht: I lose all control | controle loslaten

Dichten is voor mij een mooie manier om te beschrijven wat rationeel vaak lastig te verwoorden is. Persoonlijk (Eng) gedicht over controle, vastlopen in je gedachten (verhalen) en de bevrijding v/h loslaten ervan en je over te geven.

I lose all control,

I am neither here nor there,

It seems unfair,

I rest my eyes and stare.


Deep down I know who I am,

Empty and allowing me,

This feeling truly sets me free,

I feel it in every cell,

But at other moments it can be a hell,


When I start believing in my stories,

Ruminating over my worldly worries,

I loose the only thing you can’t loose,

I want a truce,

No more here and there,

Isn’t that fair?


But life will not give it,

As it is suffering that makes me sit,

And deal with the shit,

And let me feel free like a kid,

I abide and do honest self-inquiry,

I give all for truth,

Can’t you see?

I just want to be.


I listen to my favourite song,

And I refuse to control the fading of control,

I let it roll,

Take a little stroll,

Step by step,

Day by day,

Moment by moment,

No more corners to bent,

Just remember where I now stand,

And that is exactly where I should land.