Beyond Mindfulness | Mindfulness Tips (Page 17)

Mindfulness Tips

Beyond Mindfulness begeleid jou op een laagdrempelige, persoonlijke en down-to-earth manier, door middel van een unieke combinatie van training, coaching, online cursussen en retraites. Steeds meer mensen zijn bezig met meditatie en mindfulness en iedereen is op zoek naar geluk. Maar hoe werkt dit precies? Wat doe je wel en wat niet? Hoe begin je met mindfulness, meditatie en spiritualiteit? Welke techniek werkt voor je? Hoe kan je meer rust vinden in je dagelijks leven? Wat is non-dualiteit en hoe verschilt het van mindfulness? Via blogs, begeleide meditaties, video’s en een vrijblijvende kennismakingsgesprek probeer ik je hierin te inspireren en faciliteren en je meer helderheid te geven.

Mystical India – Ramana Maharshi

I was supposed to go on a work trip to Tanzania but it got cancelled. So I had an empty agenda, a ‘free’ ticket and a longing for sun. Then someone told me about South-India and that it was the perfect time to go there….

Videos, books and websites on spirituality

Awareness, consciousness, spirituality, non-duality are words which can make us curious but can also create confusion. Eitherway this post can be an interesting read and contain inspiring videos. Moreover it might be the start of the most valuable journey you will ever make. The one…

Mindfulness information

Looking for inspiration, motivation and more mindfulness information? Then this is your post. You will find various mindfulness videos, book titles and website link to find more information. Hopefully this will inspire and motivate you in your pursuit of a more mindful, calmer and happier…

Self-compassion Inspiration

This post contains various inspirational videos, book titles and interesting websites on Self-compassion. Suited for everyone who intuited, tasted and/or knows the power of this way new developments within western Mindfulness. At the same time this has been at the heart of all great spiritual…

Come back Home (Poem on non-duality)

For me, poetry is a great way to describe what is rationally often difficult to put into words. This is a poem on non-duality, written from the heart about finding your home in and as yourself. I hope you like it and / or it…

Gedicht: thuiskomen bij jezelf

Dichten is voor mij een mooie manier om te beschrijven wat rationeel vaak lastig te verwoorden is. Persoonlijk (Eng) gedicht over thuiskomen bij jezelf, elke keer weer. Welke uitdaging ook op je pad komt. Just be home, Whenever you can, Feel that you are this…